Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Fire Emblem Heroes: Squad Assault 5 Guide

Free-to-play tacticians, here's how I passed Squad Assault 5 to acquire the Squad Ace E 1 Seal. This one is notably easier than the ones before it, so you could probably improvise and still pass it.

You'll probably want to equip all the required Skills and Seals before you begin. Remember to write down which units you are going to use, along with any special requirements for each one.
*** Obligatory Possible Spoiler Warning ***

Friday, November 17, 2017

Fire Emblem Heroes: Squad Assault 4 Guide

Free-to-play tacticians, here's how I passed Squad Assault 4 to acquire the Squad Ace D 1 Seal. By borrowing the strategies of people who are a lot better at this game than me.

You'll probably want to equip all the required Skills and Seals before you begin. It may take a few tries to test which units can fill each role, so it would be a good idea to write down which units you are going to use, along with any special requirements for each one.
*** Obligatory Possible Spoiler Warning ***