Friday, November 17, 2017

Fire Emblem Heroes: Squad Assault 4 Guide

Free-to-play tacticians, here's how I passed Squad Assault 4 to acquire the Squad Ace D 1 Seal. By borrowing the strategies of people who are a lot better at this game than me.

You'll probably want to equip all the required Skills and Seals before you begin. It may take a few tries to test which units can fill each role, so it would be a good idea to write down which units you are going to use, along with any special requirements for each one.
*** Obligatory Possible Spoiler Warning ***

Paralogue 6-1: Martial Bliss


1 - Robin (F) 4*: Ranged Damage [Seal - Quickened Pulse]
2 - Henry 4*: Ranged Damage, Magic Tank [Seal - Spur Res 1]
3 - Clive 5*: Blue Lance (Subaki)
4 - Cherche 4*: Brave Axe (Barst; Legion)

3 - Blue Lance to tank Sword Flier
4 - Brave Axe for high damage

*If you're having trouble, watch Omni H'strategy from YouTube at 0:18

Paralogue 7-1: Wayward One

1 - Olwen *5: Blue Cavalry Mage
2 - Brave Roy *5: Offensive Horse Buff (Hone Cavalry)
3 - Sully *4: Blue Cavalry Lance Tank [Seal - Res +1]
4 - Frederick *4Green Cavalry Axe

1 - Blue Cavalry Mage to kill Luke, Archer, Katarina (Ursula + QP Seal)
2 - Hone Cavalry unit to buff Blue Mage (Gunter)
3 - Blue Cavalry unit to tank and Draw Back (Sully)

*If you're having trouble, watch Pheonixmaster1'strategy from YouTube at 3:10

Paralogue 8-1: Sunny Sneak Attack

1 - Clarisse *4: Archer
2 - Narcian *4: Green Axe Tank (Swap)
3 - Stahl *4Red Sword Tank (Swap)
4 - Donnel *4: Blue Lance (Remove Drag Back)

2 - Green Axe to tank and Swap
3 - Red Sword to tank and Swap

*If you're having trouble, watch Baka Jam'strategy from YouTube at 7:00

Paralogue 9-1: Nohr on the Shore

1 - Robin (M) *4: Effective Against Archers [Seal - Speed +1]
2 - Jeorge *5: Brave Bow Archer (Gordin)
3 - Sigurd *5: Red Sword, Magic Tank (Palla)
4 - Corrin (F) *4: Offensive Buff (Hone Attack)

1 - Raven Tome or Bow Breaker to tank and kill the Archer
2 - Brave Bow unit
3 - Red Sword to tank Summer Elise

*If you're having trouble, watch Omni H'strategy from YouTube at 6:58

Paralogue 10-1: A Lecture Fit for Royalty

1 - Black Knight *5: Distant Counter Tank (Quick Reposte 2)
2 - Brave Lyn *5: Cavalry Archer (Draw Back)
3 - Xander *5: Red Cavalry Sword, Offensive Horse Buff (Hone Cavalry)
4 - Priscilla *4: Healer (Rehabilitate); [Seal - Fortify Def 1] (Wrys)

1 - Distant Counter Tank
4 - Healer or Passive Healing for 7 turn survival

*If you're having trouble, watch Pheonixmaster1'strategy from YouTube at 12:54

Alternatively, if you have invested into a Horse Emblem team, you can also refer to this strategy from xNira at 3:33

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