Monday, July 10, 2017

Fire Emblem Heroes: Squad Assault 1 Guide

Free-to-play tacticians, here's how I passed Squad Assault 1 to acquire the Squad Ace A 1 Seal. By borrowing the strategies of people who are a lot better at this game than me.

You can definitely pass it with vanilla 4* units without Skill Inheritance, as long as you have enough of each color type at level 40. Might take a few tries to test which units can fill each role, though.
*** Obligatory Possible Spoiler Warning ***

Chapter 1-1: Mystery Trial
Team: All 4*
1 - Raven: Green Axe 
2 - Camus: Blue Lance
3 - Catria: Blue Lance
4 - Cecilia: Ranged Damage

1 - Green Axe to tank and kill Jagen
2 - Blue Lance to tank a hit from, and kill Marth

Chapter 2-1: Conquest Trial


Team: 5* Corrin F, 5* Lucina. Can do with all 4*
1 - Ursula: Blue Mage (Blárwolf+)
2 - Lucina: Red Sword
3 - Corrin F: Blue Mage Tank
4 - Sakura: Ranged Healer (Physic)

1 - Blue Mage to kill Leo and Elise
2 - Red Sword to bait and kill Camilla
3 - Blue Mage Tank to bait and kill Xander
4 - Ranged Healer to keep Ursula alive (Physic)

*If you're having trouble, watch nstyler's strategy from YouTube

Chapter 3-1: Binding Trial

Team: 5* Ryoma, 5* Cordelia. Can do with all 4*
1 - Cherche: Flying Green Axe
2 - Cordelia: Flying Blue Lance (Swap)
3 - Est: Flying Blue Lance (Shove)
4 - Ryoma: Red Sword

1 - Flying Green Axe to box in the Archer. Narcian works
2 - Flying Blue Lance (Swap). Subaki works
3 - Flying Blue Lance (Shove). Est works
4 - A unit who can bait and survive a hit from the Archer

*This is specifically for mkv.'s ingenious free 3*/no seals strategy from YouTube

Chapter 4-1: Awakening Trial


 All 4*

1 - Zephiel: Red Sword Tank
2 - Elise: Healer
3 - SophiaRanged Damage
4 - Nino: Ranged Damage

1 - Red Sword Tank to wall Chrom. Don't use Zephiel to attack Chrom, or he'll die
2 - Healer to sit behind Zephiel and top up HP

Chapter 5-1: Return to Mystery

Team: 5* Xander, 5* Hinoka, 5* Reinhardt, 5* Jeorge. Can do with other 4*
1 - Xander: Red Sword (Siegfried; Quick Reposte 2)
2 - Hinoka: Blue Lance
3 - Reinhardt: Blue Mage
4 - Jeorge: Ranged Damage

1 - Blue Lance to kill right side Ninja, tank a hit from and kill Navarre
2 - Red Sword to bait and kill left side Ninja, and kill Wrys
3 - Blue Mage to help kill Navarre

*My Hinoka is +ATK -SPD (Harsh Command). Not sure if important
[These were just the best units I happened to have left over.]

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