Monday, April 28, 2014

Garden Plants List

As we prepare to move into a new residence, it is my task to compile a list of plants to try growing in the new front and back gardens. I can only hope that some of them will thrive on sloped land. Since I keep pets, the toxic and safe options for cats are also noted.
1. Groundcovers
Blue Star Creeper (Laurentia Fluviatilis)(Pratia Pedunculata)
Isotoma-fluviatilis bcs3 bsc2

Creeping Thyme (Thymus 'Elfin')(Thymus Albiflorus) *Safe For Cats
ThymeElfin 788-69 Thymus_praecox_Albiflorus

Irish Moss (Sagina Subulata)
SaginaSubulata1 irish-moss1 irishmoss02

Baby Blue Eyes (Nemophila) *Safe For Cats
bbe1 bbe2 Nemophilia

Baby’s Breath (Gypsophila Repens Rosea) *Toxic To Cats

bb1 bb2 bb3

2. Climbers
Bougainvillea *Safe For Cats
Bougainvillea_glabra Bougainvillea_glabra_blossom Bougainvillea-Plant
Morning Glory *Toxic To Cats
Morning-Glories morninglory morning-glory-m-x

3. Flowers
Forget-Me-Not *Safe For Cats
forgetmenot fmn1 Omphalodes_verna_'Creeping_forget-me-not'_(Boraginaceae)_plant

Canterbury Bells *Safe For Cats
Cup-and-saucer-canterbury-bells  Canterbury Bells Cup & Saucer-1  CANTERBURY BELLS

oxalis-iron-cross Oxalis_acetosella-1 oxalis
4. Trees
Flowering Cherry (Prunus 'Okame') *Toxic To Cats
PRUNUS-OKAME--4  Cherry blossoms  prunus-okame-
Magnolia (Magnolia 'Jane'/Tulip Tree) *Safe For Cats
Kew pink magnolia tree OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA magnolia
Japanese Maple (Acer Palmatum) *Safe For Cats
japanese-maple1 glowing-maple maple-leaves

Crabapple Tree *Toxic To Cats
pink-crabapple-blossoms-close-up Malus floribunda OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Eastern Redbud Tree *Safe For Cats
redbudtree redbud Red Bud 1
Dogwood *Toxic To Cats
PinkDogwood dogwood-tree1
Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia Indica) *Safe For Cats
Tuscarora_Crape_Myrtle-pink Crepe Myrtle Tree Crepe_Myrtle,_Crape_Myrtle_'Dynamite'_(Lagerstroemia_indica)

*Disclaimer: All photos are a result of Google image searches, they are not my own.

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